How To Become A Member
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member at First Baptist Cordele. We are thrilled that you have chosen to make FBC your church home.
At FBC, we hold church membership in a high regard. In the pages of Scripture, we see membership in a local church as the means by which our Lord designed the Christian life to be lived. Membership helps us to grow, use our gifts, be challenged and edified, as well as holds us accountable as we traverse life in a fallen world.
The process to join FBC includes multiple steps. Below these steps are explained briefly, but any of our elders would be happy to explain them in more detail or answer any other questions you may have.
Membership Application Form
Fill out one of our membership application forms which simply gives us more details about your contact info, family, and date/place of baptism if applicable. These forms are available through the church office or from any elder.
Elder Interview
We want to get to know you better and the elder interview helps us do that. In this meeting, you’ll be able to sit down with one of our elders and share your testimony, your church history, your baptism (if applicable), more about your family, etc. You will also be able to ask any questions you have about the process, the church, or any other related questions.
Membership Matters Class
Our Membership Matters class is offered during the Sunday School hour (9am) on a rotational basis and resets every 12 weeks in conjunction with our other Sunday School classes. In this class you will hear more about what membership means, where it can be found in Scripture, what you can expect from the church, and what the church expects from you.
Elder Recommendation
After your interview, the elder you interviewed with will recommend you to the elders. Once the elders meet, they will recommend you to the members at a regular or called Members’ Meeting.
Congregational Affirmation
At a Members’ Meeting (which are held every quarter) the elder who conducted your interview will state that you have met all requirements for membership and recommend your admittance. Questions are fielded, a vote is taken, and with a majority secured, candidates are admitted into membership.