FBC StudentS
Sunday School
SUNDAYS @ 9 AM - We meet in the Student Room every Sunday at 9 for a topical study. We are currently in a series called, Christmas in the Covenants. This five-week study looks at times when God made a covenant with various people throughout history and how those are fulfilled in Christ.
December 1- The Genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38)
December 8 - The Covenant with Adam (Genesis 2-3:15; Romans 5:12-16)
December 15 - The Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12-17; Galatians 3:16; Revelation 21-22)
December 22 - The Covenant with David ( 2 Samuel 7:1-17; Psalm 72; Luke 1:69-72)
December 29- The New Covenant (Jeremiah 33:14-18; Luke 22:14-23)
*Scripture references are subject to change
SUNDAYS @ 10 AM- We believe it is incredibly important for students to be involved in the worship and life of a local church, not just the student ministry. We encourage all of our students to join us for worship.
Bible Study
WEDNESDAYS @ 6 PM: Beginning August 14th, we will begin a verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. We will look at themes such as God’s sovereignty, the triumph of God’s kingdom, and how God’s people can be faithful in the midst of spiritual exile.
Mark your calendars for December 18th! Our students will have a progressive supper around the area. At each stop, they will fellowship and hear from an adult in our church what they wish they knew about Jesus in middle and high school. We do ask that students RSVP by December 11th so we can know how many students to expect.